Meet Wil Carlos


Wil Carlos is an energy healer who helps others to make the changes they want in life, and business.

For the past 12 years Wil has acquired training as a life coach through Erickson Coaching College and as an energy healer with Reiki, Access Consciousness, Vortex Healing and EFT, as well as dabbling in NLP, hypnotherapy and guided meditation.

Three years ago Wil found his real niche with a modality called Energetic Magic.

What the heck is Energetic Magic? It is a process for identifying and then releasing stuck, negative and old beliefs that no longer serve us.

He trained in Energetic Magic with Shiraz Baboo in Toronto and suddenly it seemed that the past 12 years of personal and spiritual development “Clicked”.

Wil has also been practicing meditation for the past 12 years, teaching others meditation and leading online intention and healing groups. He has a personal practice with Yoga and The Wim Hof Method.

Wil also may some day write a book called “Parenting:How to get through the first 4 years with a smile on your face, even when 2.5 years is spent playing the Frozen soundtrack on repeat.”

Wil is the happiest husband in the world, married to the love of his life, father to an incredible girl, and blessed to call Nova Scotia home.

I have known Wil for almost ten years, and he has been one of my favourite people ever since our first coffee together when he reduced me to tears, and a big ah ha. I love his insight and his incessant search for meaning and fulfillment, whether it is inner enlightenment or the joy of raising a child. He makes me smile, just thinking of him. Wil believes in his life work and has a deep faith that transforms obstacles and literally changes lives. I have been enriched by Wil in many ways, and I’m most grateful for his wisdom and intuition - sometimes it feels like he is reading my mind before I think the thought!
— Sandie