The Helper’s Paradox

Half Day Intensive

The No B.S. approach to a sustainable business for healers, coaches and therapists

(Who keep giving and giving, but their hearts, and bank accounts, are asking for more balance)

You’ve been helping others for so long, that now you are hurting. You’re building a healing practice, or doing the work to get there. But you feel stuck and scattered.

You may also notice some fear about being more visible online and expressing your truth. Or procrastination when it comes to promoting your work online. Underneath there is possibly a feeling of being under supported and needing to “do it all” in your business, family, self care and life.

If this has been going on for some time you may also have noticed a growing sense burnout, anger, or possibly even resentment.

You are ready for some clarity, nourishment and freedom to be and express your truth and yourself with ease!

You’ve tried a lot to resolve this already …

You’ve been busy on finding a solution. You’re been trying everything you can to get unstuck; astrology, akashic records, tons of DIY courses - books - blogs, lots of self reflection, self healing and even High Performance coaching, habit hacking, etc.

But you are still dealing with

  • People pleasing

  • Hiding your light “under a bushel”

  • Or you are still over giving. Argh!

  • That voice that says “Who do I think I am anyways?!?”

Yes, the impostor complex, it’s still there.

There is a reason all the great things you’ve done so far aren’t working fully.


It’s because you are missing a key ingredient. You have probably done steps 5,6,7, and 8.

But you missed what I have found to be STEP 1 for Healers, Coaches and all the other “Helpers” of the world.

You may be missing an understanding of …

The Helper’s Paradox.

After working with over 500 healers in 28 countries over the past 8 years, I have found that this is the main stumbling block for any small business.

The Helpers Paradox states that “The more a person Needs to help, the less able they are to help.”

Wait, did you read that correctly?

How could your desire to help make you less able to help?

Often what clients first hear when I share about the Helper’s Paradox is that second version. The one where it uses the word “Desire” instead of “Need”. They are very different words.

The Helper’s Paradox says:

The NEED to help, destroys your ability to help.

The usual approaches Healers and coaches take to grow their business often don’t work because they tend to only scratch the surface of the real problem. And they don’t identify the Helper’s Paradox in specific terms.

They use terms like “People pleasing” or “Over giving” or “Compassion Fatigue”. Then they take a course on those things specifically. This is a challenging concept at first. It calls into question our values, our societies concepts on what a “Good Person” is. But I promise that there is great freedom on the other side of this Paradox.

Shifting that Need energy opens up a whole new world.

One where Healers can do their work from Joy, not Obligation.

I have an invitation for you;

I invite you to step out of obligation and into joy as you create a sustainable healing practice.

I have an invitation for you:

I invite you to step out of obligation and into joy as you create a sustainable healing practice that works for your heart and your bank account
— Wil Carlos

To step out of the Helper’s Paradox you first have to identify …

The Lie’s we tell ourselves

I have a leading question for you, please don’t roll your eyes but I need to ask it.

Can you massage your own back?

Not without help, right?

This is exactly the same when it comes to identifying the Helpers Paradox, and the Lies we may be telling ourselves.

“Wil Carlos is masterful at facilitating the release of hidden beliefs that keep you playing small. If you are ready to live your best life, then Wil is the person to work with.” - Tomi Bryan, Coach, Consultant & Author of "What’s Your Superpower?”

I once had a client I was working with describe these lies as “The rocks I’m hiding under.”

They didn't mean it negatively. They needed and wanted those rocks. Those rocks meant safety.

It didn’t feel safe to be fully seen. To “Come out of hiding”. Even though they were making the posts, doing the work. They knew that at a deeper level they were still “hiding”.

”I’m living more from my true self; expanding my life and visibility” Frances Goodall - EFT Trainer, Coach, Therapist, Speaker and Author, Co-Founder of The Women’s Wellness Circle

However, that is only one side of the coin.

The other side of that coin says the following … those limiting beliefs are also totally false.

They are a big, fat …


They are .. ahem*** … Bullshit.

In other words, The very things that feel so vulnerable, are also not true.

”As of my last session with Wil, something has released that I have carried for a long time. I was blocked and no matter what I did I could not release it. After our session, it has gone. The tightness, the limitation, has released!” - Stephanie

If you are exhausted from people pleasing, over giving and burnt out from being vulnerable so much of the time, addressing the Helpers Paradox is the solution.

An essential step in the process of dismantling the Helpers Paradox is identifying the lies we tell ourselves, and the energetic blocks that hold them in place.

I have spent years, and hundreds of hours with clients, helping them to identify and then dismantle those lies and energetic blocks so they could have freedom.

Freedom to grow, heal and express themselves.

I’d like to introduce myself

My name is Wil … and I am a spiritual bull shit detective. And I have fun doing it!

I have helped over 500 Healers across 28 countries over the past 5 years.

I work with healers who want to feel safe to be seen, especially online.

I help Healers, Coaches and Therapists get to a point where they are able to be themselves online without being ruled by the fear of criticism or judgment.

My clients describe me as being a “Human Polygraph”. Truth be told, they first said “Wil, you’re like a B.S. Detector!” But I softened it to “Human Polygraph” ‘for my official bio!

I have a spiritual gift called Claire-Audience which I use to identify and clear specific limiting beliefs.

I help clients see exactly where they have been subconsciously staying safe so that they can shift from overwork to ease and fun as they be more of themselves in their business

I have delivered my signature belief clearing session with 500 people in 28 countries, and honed a direct, honest and “No-fluff” approach to help clients end self sabotage and confusion.

My Deeper purpose:

Is to help others heal their relationship with God, (The God of their understanding), so that they can build their life + business on a solid foundation of faith, self love and spiritual confidence.

What I am inviting you into

I would love for you to join us at the “Helper’s Paradox” half day online intensive.

This program is a half day online intensive. Our focus is on the following 3 main topics;

  1. Clear procrastination on key actions in your business with specific, no B.S. limiting belief clearing.

  2. Create a deeper sense of Divine Communion and peace in your relationship with God (The God of your understanding)

  3. Clear anxiety, guilt and shame by Identifying and understanding the Helpers Paradox.

    You will learn about the Helper’s Paradox, what it is, and why it may be The thing holding you back from feeling safe to be seen and express your gifts and truth and stuck in unhealthy cycles of over giving, overwhelm and exhaustion.

Specifically what you’ll get:

  • Identify and understand the Helper’s Paradox.

  • Clear limiting beliefs live with Wil. This is done live so you can be free from the lies you may be telling yourself. This leads to less people pleasing and more natural boundaries that aren’t so hard to maintain.

  • You will learn 8 Specific energy healing tools to deal with The Impostor Complex when it shows up so you can feel safe to show up authentically.

  • My PDF cheat cheat on the 8 Pillars of The Impostor Complex. This gives you an on-the-go and actionable guide so you don’t get lost in procrastination and overwhelm.

  • A prerecorded meditation and energy healing practice to have daily energetic re-alignment so you continue to own your voice and message and share that with your audience.

Bonus for those interested

  • A powerful prayer to help heal your relationship with God, The god of your understanding. This will give you a daily small step practice to gently heal the holes and draw closer to the god of your heart.

What you will walk away with:

*What you will find, after working on these 3 key area’s of focus, is a natural and grounded feeling of the right to succeed in your Healing practice and find/walk your own path. A right to be You, and leave everyone else out of the decision. You will step into your gifts and true expression.


  1. Where is it held? - Zoom

  2. When? - *DATE CHANGE - Sunday October 22nd - 11 am EST until 3 pm EST

  3. How is the intensive delivered?

    1. The half day is separated into 4, one hour modules;

      1. The 8 Pillars of the Impostor Complex; Tips and tools.

      2. The spiritual truth about Procrastination

      3. Understanding the Helper’s Paradox: the root of people pleasing

      4. How to create natural energetic “boundaries” so that you don’t have to “Do” boundaries all the time

    2. In each module Wil will present the theme and give a specific tool to help clear the Impostor Complex. This will be 10 - 15 minutes.

    3. For the remainder of the hour, he will offer energy healing work for the whole group, or invite anyone who feels aligned to “Raise their hand” for some specific limiting belief clearing work. You will not be called on if you do not raise your hand. This is your time for live energy work!

  4. Who

    1. This half day intensive is ideal for Healers growing a practice, Therapists and Coaches. Other helping professions are welcome as well and will see a lot of value.

  5. Price

    1. There are 3 payment options, $117,$137,$157 See below for details.

Questions and Answers

  1. “Can energy healing and limiting belief clearing really be done online like this? I thought I might have to be in person for that to work?”

    • I have found it very much can be done this way. Even some modalities that are very hands on, like Reiki, can be done at a distance. The style of limiting belief clearing and energy healing work that I practice is perfectly suited for distance work.

  2. “Will I be completely healed of all this? This procrastination, hiding, playing small and people pleasing?”

    • The intention with this half day intensive is not to “Heal everything”. It is to start you off on a solid foundation. Similar to how a week at a health camp gets you powerfully started on your journey of physical health.

      1. Frankly, this is big work. It is rare for issues like people pleasing, or religious baggage, to entirely shift in a half day. And that wouldn’t be appropriate in most cases anyways! If you did shift something that was so fundamental to the person you’ve been up till now, all of a sudden your family might not know who you are anymore, you “Changed” so fast they didn’t have time to keep up. This is a healthy, holistic approach.

      2. What you will get, that I believe is more powerful: You’ll have practices to continue the clearing work yourself, and an invitation to join our community every 2 weeks to continue to deepen this work

  3. “I don’t know if i can last for 4 hours on zoom, can I leave to walk outside, use the bathroom? Will there be breaks?”

    • Yes, there will be a break for snacks and to stretch. And you are welcome to get up and do whatever you need to do when you feel the need.

    • On our first version of this each participant said the time flew by and they felt like they could keep going.

  4. “It sounds like this might get pretty personal, do I have to share personally?”

    • You do not have to share personally. But I do find there is a huge benefit in doing so when you feel called to. You can listen in on everyone else’s shares and that is also very powerful.

  5. “I’ve done a lot of healing classes, but not much changed in a concrete way after. Will there be concrete actions to take after this to grow my business?”

    • I hear you. This is the tricky balance in energy healing work! We are identifying the deeper patterns, the limiting beliefs, that have kept you stuck for ages. Just seeing one of those, and shifting it, can have a huge impact on your day to day approach to your life and business.

    • And, I’m a big fan of blending in practical work! So for each module you will have suggested homework to do so that you can practice this work, and see bigger physical shifts, in your business.

To Register: Pay from the heart.

When deciding on the pricing for the half day intensive, it’s up to you to feel into what works for you at this season of your life and business.

There are 3 price options and you get the same half day workshop for each price.

$117 - This is the more accessible price if you deeply want to come, but money is tight.

$137 - This is the comfortable price. I can run this half day intensive comfortably for my life and business with 5 people at this price so it works for my businesses needs.

$157 - This is the expansion price. This allows me to invest a bit in my business comfortably, hire part time staff, etc.

Each of these prices will change each time I offer this half day intensive. This is what my heart told me to do for this current offer only.

Pick your price from the options below.

The Helpers Paradox Half Day
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